Monday, September 14, 2009

What exactly do you use a cast iron for....

I just sauteed some sliced potatoes in olive oil/butter mix, with a little rosemary and Emerils seasoning in my new cast iron pan. Half of it is stuck to the bottom and burnt!
i thought the whole concept of cast iron skillet was the browned bits in the bottom gave flavor to the whole dish. Granted this is my first time using a cast iron so maybe i don't know what i can and cannot cook on the skillet......

My very first Coq au Vin

I mixed the ATK recipe and Ina's recipe for this one. I only used half a bottle of wine and i put in 1/4 cup of cognac with my veggies.
I have to say this was a real hit with my family. My 2yr old had 3 thigh pieces!! I used all dark meat and cooked it for 1hr. My chicken turned purple...well just the skin, so while i was letting the sauce reduce i took the shin off the chicken and browned it in butter (this is after it's cooked for 1hr) and it was fabulous.
Check out the recipe at

Browned the chicken in Bacon fat, and set aside

Browned the Mushrooms and Pearl Onions in chicken and bacon fat, and set aside

All the veggies (1 onion, carrot, garlic), 1/4 cup cognac, chicken stock, 1/2 bottle wine and the chicken simmering away....

Browned the chicken again after it cooked for 1hr because it turned purple from the wine.

Final product, YUM-O

Sorry, didn't take pic of plate....was supper hungry from the wait! Served it with Mashed potatoes